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Translational Research in Anesthesiology and Critical Care

An interdisciplinary group studying the body’s reaction to critical illness and current practice in critical care

Sepsis related organ failure is the leading cause of death in the intensive care unit. Early goal-directed therapy and timely initiation of adequate antimicrobial therapy save patient lives. At the same time, waiving of antibiotic treatment, when no infection is present, safeguards antibiotic effectiveness.

However, early and reliable diagnosis of sepsis in the critically ill as a basis for this important treatment decision remains a major challenge.

Our group uses epidemiological and biostatistical methods to understand the course of critical illness and to guide patient enrollment into prospective studies. We investigate physiological and biochemical disease markers in patients with systemic inflammation, sepsis, and organ dysfunction.

Apotheken Umschau: Rechnen rettet Leben

Sepsis: Eine Blutvergiftung ist die dritthäufigste Todesursache in Deutschland.
Ein Forscherteam will jetzt ein Frühwarnsystem entwickeln.

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Die Zeit: Sepsis - Der unbekannte Killer

Jedes Jahr erleiden 280.000 Menschen in Deutschland eine Sepsis, jeder Vierte stirbt daran – auch weil viele Ärzte die Krankheit nicht erkennen. Forscher arbeiten jetzt an einem Frühwarnsystem.

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